Episode 25 - It’s A Re-Do: Smallville

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 25 - It's A Redo: Smallville
  • Artist: Nerd Lunch
  • Album: Nerd Lunch
  • Year: 2012

It's our big 25th episode and to celebrate we're not only borrowing a signature topic from our podcasting brothers The Atomic Geeks but one of the Geeks as well, Michael DiGiovanni. DiGio sits in for our own take on “Its A Re-Do” as we tackle America’s favorite teen angsty Superman show, Smallville. Listen to find out if we think the show needed more tights, more flight, or more Degrassi High. This week’s Nerd To-Dos run the gamut from Buck Rogers to DC Comics, plus the weekend for Pax’s viewing if Episode I in 3D has finally arrived.