Episode 31 - Nerdy Lunchy Bucket Lists

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 31 - Nerdy Lunchy Bucket Lists
  • Artist: Nerd Lunch
  • Album: Nerd Lunch
  • Year: 2012

Our fourth chair is empty this week, so it's a three way dance with Jeeg, Pax, and CT. This time around we're coming up with bucket lists of must-do nerdy, lunchy, and podcast related items. When we’re not making callbacks to almost all of our previous episodes, we uncover Jeeg's fascination with Lance Bass, praise the Kool-Aid Museum, and play a Superman related round of the "Dead or Alive?" game. To wrap up, we fantasize about what we'd eventually like to do with this here podcast. Get to listening and cross this episode off your bucket list now!